Color picker tool makes it easy to create, adjust, and experiment with custom colors for the web. It also makes it easy to convert between various color formats supported by CSS, including: HEXA colors, RGB (Red/Green/Blue) and HSL (Hue/Staturation/Lightness).
Control over the alpha channel is also supported on RGB (rgba) and HSL (hsla) formats. Each color is presented in all 3 standard web CSS formats as you adjust it; in addition, based on the currently-selected color, a palette for HSL and HSV, as well as alpha, is generated. The “eyedropper” style color picker box can be toggled between HSL or HSV format.
Using color in CSS (short for cascading stylesheets) is actually pretty easy. If you’re new to CSS, just search intro to CSS, there are lots of great tutorials out there. Hex color codes are the most common method of adding color to an HTML element using CSS. In your stylesheet, you can use the CSS color property to change the default color of your website’s text.
Using RGB values is all the rage these days, but it’s just as easy as Hex codes or color names. Insert your RGB values within the rgb() parameter following the color property. When using an RGB value in your website, you can also specify opacity. Instead of rgb() use rgba() – the a is for alpha, the color channel that controls opacity – and after your three color values add a fourth for opacity, on a scale from 0 – 1 (0 for completely transparent, 1 for fully opaque).
RGB values can also be used to add a background color to HTML elements. Using the same style attribute like before, replace the HEX code or color name with a properly formatted RGB value (be sure to enclose it in parentheses and prefix it with a lowercase ‘rgb’).